Make space-related research and development more popular among wider audiences of youth and high school students in Russia.
Enable students to take part in child-adult space missions.
To achieve this goal, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises, Talent and Success foundation, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and Roscosmos State Corporation have joined forces to create an accessible modern cognitive and educational environment in space-related research and development.
We invite Russian high school students and their mentors to participate in national contests "Baby seals-2019," "Space data," "My school satellite," and others.
Applied space systems 2019-2020
Focal theme: Space optics
The "Applied space systems" contest is an engineering challenge about what makes space useful for people: space photography, communications, navigation, research, etc
Individually selected participants gather in teams and work on educational projects for spacecraft payloads
Participants in 2019-2020 will develop a project for the optical system of the spacecraft and implement the current model of an automatic telescope, including orientation and auto-positioning mechanisms, as part of the theme "space optics". Expert support for the competition is provided by the Lepton Research and production Association and the Samara National Research University. S. P. Koroleva
The best participants will receive additional points for passing the program "Big challenges" in July 2020 at the Sirius Educational center in the direction of "Space technologies". Achievements of all participants of the final are subject to entering in the State information resource about children who showed outstanding abilities
Organizers: NGO "Lepton" and LLC "Education of the future"
All competitions of the 2019-2020 season program
Satellite of my school
Spacecraft platforms
Applied space systems
Space optics
How to make a station with your own hands
Receiving space data
Earth from space
The analysis of space data
Rocket-building championship