An affordable construction set of a VHF band mobile receiver allows to learn the basic principles of receiving satellite data while organizing an adventure of finding the signal. The kit is a part of "Space data" extra module in the introductory space science course. The kit operates on a frequency of 137 MHz (very low-resolution telemetry and meteorological data coming predominantly from older satellites).
Manufacturer: Bratya Vol't.
Viunok and Flokkus Training data receiving centers
A stationary biantennary training kit that allows working comfortably from indoors. The kit operates on the frequencies of 137 and 437 MHz (low-resolution telemetry and meteorological data – starting from 4000 m). Technical specifications of Viunok and Flokkus stations are roughly the same.
Manufacturer: Sputnix, Lorett.
Lenticularis training and professional data receiving center
A stationary complex that allows working with modern-day meteorological data. The complex operates on L band frequencies (spatial resolution of images starts from 400 m). Exists in default and engineering configuration; the latter allows to organize competitions and practice in assembling and adjusting the station.
Manufacturer: Lorett.
Zavitok Training data receiving and satellite control center
A stationary training complex with a few omnidirectional and one controllable spot beam antennas. In its data receipt functions, the complex takes over from the Viunok station, but additionally Zavitok has a data transmission mode. It operates on the frequencies of 137 and 437 MHz (low-resolution telemetry and meteorological data).
Manufacturer: Sputnix.
Lorett Professional data receiving center
A stationary complex that allows working with modern-day high-resolution satellite data (identifying objects from 50 cm in size) in real time. The complex operates on X band frequencies. Provides a basis for implementing the "Earth from Space" interdisciplinary lab in a technology park or a college; commercially effective.
Manufacturer: Lorett.