The NTI Contest –The NTI Contest is a competition focused on practices of the future:


As in real life, participants act as a team and face challenges that exceed one person's capacities.


Participants solve a complex practical problem. As a result, they construct a working engineering prototype or a technical solution.


Included in the Russian Council for School Olympiads list (3rd level for the Telecommunication and ERS systems section) and gives university admission privileges up to 100 points at the Unified State Exam.

And a lot of fun! :)

Telecommunication and ERS systems

Telecommunication and ERS systems section is a possibility to try on the role of space engineer.

Telecommunication and ERS systems section is a possibility to try on the role of space engineer.

This section is included in the Russian Council for School Olympiads list and brings up to 100 Unified State Exam points.

And this is us who design it :)

Space sections of the NTI Contest

of space images

Image analysis and geoinformatics

Section page

Telecommunication and ERS systems

Satellite construction and programming, orbital mechanics, radio technologies, optics

Section page

Aerospace systems

On-planet robotics

Section paget

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